Guiding Principle #3:
Collaborative Destination M​anagement

Seek to develop all tourism through a collaborative management structure with equal participation by government, the private sector and civil society organizations that represent diversity in communities.
Without holistic management that includes equal participation and representation from the private and public sector in the decision making process, difficulties can easily arise, and have - overtourism, neighborhood disruption, cultural degradation, exclusion, exploitation, and various environmental problems. Well-managed tourism can enrich communities, improve public education, help sustain natural habitats, and revitalize elements of cultural heritage.
Real life examples:
Lake Tahoe and Vail in the USA used collaborative methods to create their first destination stewardship plans which place community needs back into the centre of tourism management.
St. Kitts has formed the Sustainable Destination Council, a multi-stakeholder advisory body to the Ministry of Tourism that oversees the sustainable development and management of tourism on the island.
Stakeholders came together on Seonheul village Jeju Island, South Korea to establish a social cooperative that changed the future of the village.
Prompted by a restive citizenry and a responsive city council, the DMO for the city of Sedona, Arizona, USA, now acts in effect as a destination stewardship council. Unusual, but it works.
Community collaboration in Bad Grund, Germany to create placemaking activities that enhance town’s touristic appeal and stem out migration.
The questions we should ask to further achieve this principle:
Who is involved in tourism planning and management decisions? Are individuals and entities both within and outside of the tourism industry engaged? Are minority groups represented and do they have an equal voice?
Is tourism meeting the needs of residents? If not, why?
Is there a centralized entity that ensures sustainable tourism efforts are coordinated across government agencies, sectors, community groups, etc.?
Further resources: